Friday, March 10, 2017

Prospect Street Pear-Vanilla-Rosemary Cocktail

We think we will call this the Prospect Street Pear-Vanilla-Rosemary Cocktail.

I'm recently concerned about salicylates in my diet that may be (are certainly) causing me some hives and facial rashes. Salicylates are high in many things - honey, nuts, tomatoes, apples, most fruits, sauces, condiments, spices, beer and wines. Salicylates are low or non-existent in fresh meats and seafood, eggs, pears, bananas, dairy products, mosts grains and legumes, and pasta.  And chocolate!

I'm drinking only vodka, gin and whiskey these days. And eating only pears and bananas for fruit. I'm limiting most fruits and vegetables, but adding fresh yogurt, cheeses, pastas, and meats.

Here's how to make this delicious cocktail we invented tonight!

1 part vanilla vodka
1 part pear nectar
Shake with ice and add a sprig of fresh rosemary