Thursday, September 16, 2021

Cardamom-Coriander Syrup (for Finnish Nail cocktail)

Beth gave me a great book from the Portland Alpine & Hunt Club in Portland, ME. One of their specialty cocktails is the Finnish Nail (do you see what they did there?)

First, you make the cardamom-coriander syrup:

Take two broken-up cinnamon sticks, 1-1/2 tsp. coriander seeds, 1 T black cardamom pods roughly-broken up (NOT green cardamom), and toast in a 450-degree oven on parchment paper. See my photo. The PA&HC book says about 8 minutes. NOT. After 6, they burned. I went for 4 minutes.

When they are still warm, blend in a spice blender with 1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes until evenly ground. Add 4 ounces of high-proof rum. Blend quickly (you may lose some of the rum out of the spice blender. Just replace it in the next step.

Combine 15 oz. hot water (very hot, but not boiling) and 3/4 c. finely granulated sugar. Stir to dissolve.

Use a coffee filter in a sieve or strainer over the sugar water and let the spice/rum mixture filter through, spreading the spices to let all the water go through slowly. 

Transfer to a clean bottle and label. Refrigerate for up to two months, shaking with each use.

For the drink, combine:

2 ounces blended Scotch

1/2 ounce Drambuie 

1/2 ounce syrup

Add ice to the glass and stir 20-30 seconds. Strain into a double Old Fashioned glass with a large ice cube. 

Lemon peel and garnish