We grew rhubarb last year and it produced some nice stalks early this summer. The deer seem to know that its leaves are poisonous so it left the rhubarb AND the hosta next to it alone. We might try that approach with other hostas. I'd like a big bunch of rhubarb next year.
I made a few rhubarb pies this week and will have to buy some rhubarb at the grocery store because these pies were a hit. I added 1 T. vanilla/butter baking emulsion to the first pie and added 1 tsp. the second time. Vanilla can be used instead (vanilla paste, too.)
First I cut 3-5 stalks of rhubarb into 1/2 by 1/2 chunks and covered it with a 1/2 cup of granulated sugar and 1/2 cup brown sugar and let it sit. I added the same amount of chunked fresh strawberries, 2T instant tapioca, 1 T cornstarch and 2T chilled butter chunks to the bowl. I then prebaked a (15 minutes at 400 degrees) crust.* I sprinkled Wondra flour on the bottom of the crust which helps with the juiciness. I then poured in the fruit, including the juices, covered with the top crust and baked in a 350 degree oven for 45 minutes. I covered the pie or the edges with foil for the last ten minutes.
I let the pie sit but it was still warm when we ate it with whipped cream.
*Because I was pressed for time and was nearly out of energy both times, I used commercial pie crusts. The first time I used the Pillsbury rolled crusts and lined a small French pie plate. The second time I used frozen crusts in the aluminum pie plate they were sold in. The beauty of this second approach is that the defrosted crust lifted effortlessly onto the top of the pie before baking. I cut the bottom of the pie plate out and placed it on top of the baking pie to protect the edges.